A downloadable freewheeling app

driver.love is a small programming environment for modifying "freewheeling apps" live as they run.

To try it out, you'll need to download a freewheeling app. https://akkartik.itch.io/broadsheet is a good candidate to start with, though there's a growing list of others. Download and run it, then run driver.love to connect to it.

Source code repository: https://git.sr.ht/~akkartik/driver.love.

Feel free to leave a comment if you have questions or have trouble with it. I'd love to hear from you.


driver.love 112 kB

Install instructions

1. Download and install https://love2d.org

2. Download and run a freewheeling app. https://akkartik.itch.io/broadsheet is a good candidate to start with.

2. Download and run driver.love to connect to the app and make changes to its source code.

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