Pong Wars, MMO edition
Lua Carousel » Devlog

This one is based on Pong Wars.
-- Pong wars with more than 2 colors and ability to speed up simulation. local n = 20 -- px per square local v = 20 -- px/s ball velocity -- If v gets too big, collision simulations will have errors -- and internal cells will start flipping that are behind the border. -- Instead, just simulate multiple steps per frame to speed things up. local simulation_speed = 20 -- number of steps per frame local num_colors = 105 function hsl(h, s, l) if s<=0 then return {l,l,l} end h = h*6 local c = (1-abs(2*l-1))*s local x = (1-abs(h%2-1))*c local m,r,g,b = (l-0.5*c), 0,0,0 if h < 1 then r,g,b = c,x,0 elseif h < 2 then r,g,b = x,c,0 elseif h < 3 then r,g,b = 0,c,x elseif h < 4 then r,g,b = 0,x,c elseif h < 5 then r,g,b = x,0,c else r,g,b = c,0,x end return {r+m, g+m, b+m} end -- initialize a few colors -- equidistant on the color wheel, but contrast between nearby colors colors = {} local d = 4 if num_colors == 2 then table.insert(colors, {0.8, 0.8, 1}) table.insert(colors, {0.8, 0.9, 0.8}) elseif num_colors < d then for h=0, 1, 1/num_colors do table.insert(colors, hsl(h, 1, 0.8)) if #colors == num_colors then break end end else -- ensure ball contrast -- consecutive colors are always 1/d apart for start = 1, num_colors/d do for h = start/num_colors, 1, 1/d do table.insert(colors, hsl(h, 1, 0.8)) if #colors == num_colors then break end end if #colors == num_colors then break end end end -- initialize a w*h board with one of those colors local w = floor((Safe_width-60)/n) local h = floor((Safe_height-Menu_bottom)/n) local board = {} for y=1,h do local row = {} for x=1,w do table.insert(row, rand(#colors)) end table.insert(board, row) end local px = (Safe_width-n*w)/2 -- initialize one ball per color to random locations balls = {} -- map from color index to ball converting squares to that color (NOT ball of that color) for i=1, #colors do table.insert(balls, {x=rand(w)*n, y=rand(h)*n}) end -- give each ball a unit velocity in a random direction function randNorm2() local p = {x=rand(-100,100), y=rand(-100,100)} local m = math.sqrt(p.x^2 + p.y^2) return {x=p.x/m, y=p.y/m} end for _,b in ipairs(balls) do b.v = randNorm2() end local frame_times = {sum=0} function car.draw() for y=1,h do for x=1,w do color(unpack(colors[board[y][x]])) rect('fill', px+(x-1)*n, Menu_bottom+(y-1)*n, n,n) end end for i = 1,#colors do local next = i+1 if next > #colors then next = 1 end color(unpack(colors[next])) circle('fill', px+balls[i].x, Menu_bottom+balls[i].y, n/2) end draw_hud() end function draw_hud() color(0.2,0.2,0.2) if simulation_speed == 1 then g.print(('%d frames/s'):format(#frame_times), 100,100) return end local sim_format = '%d' if simulation_speed >= 10000 then sim_format = '%0.1e' end g.print((sim_format..'x %d frames/s'):format(simulation_speed, #frame_times), 100,100) end function car.update(dt) table.insert(frame_times, dt) frame_times.sum = frame_times.sum + dt while frame_times.sum > 1 do local t = table.remove(frame_times, 1) frame_times.sum = frame_times.sum - t end for i=1,simulation_speed do next_step(min(dt, 0.2)) end end function next_step(dt) for c,b in ipairs(balls) do if b.v.x < 0 and (b.x < 1/2*n or maybe_set_board(b.x-1/2*n, b.y, c)) then b.v.x = abs(b.v.x) elseif b.v.x > 0 and (b.x > (w-1/2)*n or maybe_set_board(b.x+1/2*n, b.y, c)) then b.v.x = -abs(b.v.x) elseif b.v.y < 0 and (b.y < 1/2*n or maybe_set_board(b.x, b.y-1/2*n, c)) then b.v.y = abs(b.v.y) elseif b.v.y > 0 and (b.y > (h-1/2)*n or maybe_set_board(b.x, b.y+1/2*n, c)) then b.v.y = -abs(b.v.y) end b.x = b.x + v*b.v.x*dt b.y = b.y + v*b.v.y*dt end end function maybe_set_board(x, y, c) local x0, y0 = x, y x, y = s(x), s(y) if board[y] == nil then return end if board[y][x] == c then return end board[y][x] = c return true end function s(z) return 1+floor(z/n) end
If you try pasting any of these programs into Lua Carousel, remember to first run the abbreviations on one of the example screens. Or if you've deleted that screen, here are the abbreviations I used in this post:
g = love.graphics rect = g.rectangle circle = g.circle color = g.setColor min, max = math.min, math.max floor, ceil = math.floor, math.ceil abs, rand = math.abs, math.random
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Lua Carousel
Write programs on desktop and mobile
Status | In development |
Category | Tool |
Author | Kartik Agaram |
Tags | LÖVE |
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